

Don’t Eat These Together – Foods You Must Never Combine

Butter on Paranthas is a match made in heaven, kimchi adds a lot more flavour to your favourite ramen and when dahi (curd) is served with some piping hot Khichdi, it’s the ultimate soul food to many Indians. While these combinations score full marks from everyone, are there exactly polar opposite food combos that should never happen?

Let’s say the team here at Ajay’s Cafe is too curious when it comes to researching the best and worst things to have happened to food. They have come up with a list of foods that must never be combined, for the sake of humanity and one’s taste buds and tummy too. Let’s check them out!

Table of Contents

Noodles and Curd/Yoghurt

Can we start by acknowledging the dedication to scenes that Shah Rukh Khan has, when he actually ate a plate of noodles with curd in the movie Ra One, to poke fun at South Indians eating Curd Rice?

But, that doesn’t mean anyone should consider this stunt without expert supervision or the doctor just a call away. Noodles are supposed to be spicy, tangy and in some cases, a bit sour too. When curd or yoghurt is mixed in the seasoning or had alongside noodles, it actually kills the kick of the varied flavours one might enjoy.

Burger with Hari (Green) Chutney

Alright, alright… Before the team starts getting DMs that this combo might actually taste good, trust us, it won’t. What makes any burger the best burger is the simple science of layering it right. There’s the soft buns, spread with mayonnaise of your favourite flavouring, then comes the perfectly cooked patty or tikki, with some cheese on top and maybe ketchup, if you’re up for it.

The hari chutney (made with green chillies, coriander and mint leaves) tastes best when combined with our desi foods like the OG Indian burger Vada Pav of Mumbai or maybe with the evergreen Theplas from Gujarat. Why ruin the classic flavours of burgers with a forced condiment, from a cuisine that is legendary in its own, right?

Pav with Kadhi

Dekho aisa hai, just because there’s leftover kadhi from the previous night’s Khichdi Kadhi dinner and you’re a bit lazy to steam some rice (PS: it is very easy) doesn’t mean it should be eaten with anything.

We are all for innovative combos, but some foods lose their originality and essence when paired with things that are not meant to be. Kadhi is such a delicious buttermilk-based gravy, that it deserves to be paired with something equally warm and soulful like steaming hot rice or any type of khichdi.

But Pav, which is made with wheat or maida, may not taste well with it. These breads taste great when served with vadas, tikkis, bhurjis, spreads, bhajis or some vegetable-based stews. Samjhe bandhu?

Cold Coffee and Any Citrus Fruits

Cold Coffee is a completely satisfying drink in itself. It has the caffeine kick, the perfect sweetness and a delicious creaminess to it. When something is so perfect, why ruin it by adding flavours that actually cut through the other instead of blending with it?

cold coffee bottles with oranges lying around on a table
We know it’s a good photo, but don’t try it!

This is why our chefs at Ajay’s Cafe HQ in Navsari just couldn’t agree upon adding flavours like lemon or orange in creating new variants of our cold coffees. Think about it, Orange in itself has a refreshing, citrusy punch to it. And coffee works as the perfect kicker on a day when the energy levels are low (thanks to all the late-night texting with your potential girlfriend/boyfriend). When you mix the flavours of milk, caffeine and citrus together, they cancel out each other and will leave a weird after-taste on your tastebuds.

Dosa with Jams

When we Gujjus think of doing something daring with a chance of a blowback, we call it akhatro. That is exactly what this combo is. Dosas are a gift from our South Indian brothers and sisters. They’ve also taught us how to pair it with perfect condiments like coconut and tomato chutneys, sambar, Milagai Podi (gun powder) and even ghee (remember the Davangiri Dosa at Ajay’s Food Court?). Why cause controversy by mixing it with Jams or worse, jelly spreads? And if you’re thinking of chocolate or Nutella, we want you to stop right there and think of something else.

Dosas are great Indian pancakes or crepes that, unlike their European counterparts, need any form of sweet, syrupy pairing. DOSAS ARE SAVOURY! There, we couldn’t have made it more clear.

Pizza with Chai

Agreed, that we Gujaratis are very daring with our food choices and we’re the inventors of the legendary Pineapple Sandwich and Maggi Bhajiya. But even we won’t go to the extremes of ordering a Pizza and a garma garam chai along with it.

The best pizza and drink pairing would be a cold coffee or a tall glass of Coke – it goes without saying. Hot beverages are not the best drink of choice to go with pizzas. And since we’re talking about chai, maybe have a Vada Pav or a Bombay Masala Toast with it. When you’re thinking of pizza in Ahmedabad, don’t go to the nearest galla to pick up a cutting chaa, but head to the nearest Ajay’s Cafe and go for Cold Coffee and a Margherita Pizza.

Some concluding thoughts

Kya bolti public? It’s good to be innovative with your food pairings, and never stop experimenting. If you have friends who may or may not be very experimentative or have no clue what should or not be paired while eating, send them this blog. Punya ka kaam hai dosto.

And if you have more suggestions for us and our readers, DM us on Instagram on @ajayscafeofficial.

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