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How to speak to Genz | Genz Slang 101

As the delicious aroma of coffee and mouth-watering burgers filled Ajay’s Cafe, a group of Gen Z friends were chatting and one of them said ‘This coffee SLAPS!’.

Initially, it was confusing for us to understand. Did they mean the coffee had fallen on their face? And before we could figure it out, another friend said, ‘The spice in this Schezwan burger is LIT, bro!’ We were confused again. Was the burger on fire!? Later, by closely observing their expressions, we realised they were actually praising Ajay’s Cafe for having the best burgers and coffee they’ve ever tasted. This moment highlighted how Gen Z has their own fun and quirky way of talking, almost like a secret language.

This intrigued our curiosity about GenZ slang. And we realised that understanding their slang could help not only us but also you all connect better with younger people. So, here’s a fun little guide to some of the cool expressions Gen Z are using today.

Table of Contents

Decoding Gen Z Slang

At Ajay’s Cafe, we’ve become quite the experts in understanding the colourful language of today’s youth by listening to their conversations. Let’s break down some of the lingo that had us scratching our heads.

First up, when someone says ‘this coffee SLAPS,’ they’re not talking about a caffeine-induced face slap. No, it’s actually high praise! ‘Slaps’ means it’s absolutely fantastic, like when you find that perfect blend of coffee that makes you want to shout from the rooftops. So, when you hear this, just smile and know you’re brewing some top-notch stuff.

Next, let’s tackle LIT. Now, unless you’re actually setting the Schezwan burger on fire (which, let’s be honest, we wouldn’t recommend), ‘lit’ is another way to say something is exceptionally good or exciting. If your burger is ‘lit,’ it means it’s bursting with flavour and absolutely awesome. Just imagine it like a fireworks display in your mouth, minus the actual fireworks.

So, this is how this secret language of GenZ slang works. The meaning of the words is not literal, but there is always a hidden meaning behind it. Now that you know how GenZ slang works, let us take you on a journey to master this skill by making you familiar with some famous GenZ slang.

Journey from being Noob to Pro

Let’s start this epic journey from being a complete noob to a pro in Gen Z slang. Picture it like a quest at Ajay’s Cafe, where understanding the language of the GenZ generation is your ultimate goal. Ready?


First up, you’ve got the ‘noob’. Noob is someone who is just a beginner at anything and has no experience. That’s you at the start of this slang journey, just getting your feet wet and figuring out what all these terms mean. Think of it like someone who’s never tried our pizza menu before and is still discovering how amazing it is.


Next, let’s talk about ‘broke’. Remember when Baburao said ‘idhar zeher khane ke paise nahi hai’ that is exactly what being ‘broke’ means. It’s a slang term for someone who’s low on cash.


Now, onto ‘simp’. No, it’s not short for simple. A ‘simp’ is someone who goes a bit overboard trying to impress someone they like. Picture someone who’s always asking for extra ketchup just to impress their date, classic simp behaviour!


Moving on to ‘drip’. This term is all about swag related to your dressing sense. If someone says your friend has ‘drip,’ they’re complimenting their cool, trendy look. So if you have a style that can impress everyone then you have got the ‘drip’!


If someone says you’re ‘slaying’, it’s a huge compliment. It means you’re doing something exceptionally well. For example, if you overhear someone saying that the cold coffee menu at Ajay’s cafe is slaying, that means we serve the cold coffee you can have!

W (Win)

A ‘W’ stands for a win or success. If our new cold coffee burger gets rave reviews, that’s a big W for Ajay’s Cafe. It’s like scoring a goal in the food world, cheers all around!

No Cap

‘No cap’ means no lie or being completely honest. If we say our burger is the best in town, we’re saying it with no cap, absolutely true and no exaggeration.


In Gen Z slang, ‘shipping’ means rooting for a particular pairing or relationship. Imagine you’re a huge fan of our coffee and burger combo, so much so that you think they’re the perfect match. You’re basically ‘shipping’, them as the ultimate cafe duo. It’s like cheering for the perfect pairing to come together!


Finally, we reach ‘GOAT’, which stands for ‘Greatest Of All Time’. If someone describes Ajay’s Cafe as the GOAT, it means we’re the best at what we do, serving up the best burgers and coffee around.


And now, the ultimate goal, becoming a pro. This is when you’ve mastered the slang and can use it effortlessly. You’re not just throwing around terms; you’re genuinely fluent in Gen Z speak. At this level, you know when to say something is ‘lit’ when to drop a ‘W’ and how to appreciate the ‘GOAT’ status of your favourite cafe.

Now that you have GOATed this game, we know that you can score a ten on ten in a quiz for GenZ slang, NO CAP!

Slang and Food: the Ship

Let’s feast on some Gen Z slang that are related to food! For GenZs at Ajay’s Cafe, food and slang are a perfect match, so let’s explore these expressions and see how they spice up our everyday chatter.


‘Grub’ is just a fun way to say food. So, when your mates say they’re heading to Ajay’s Cafe for some ‘grub’, they’re simply talking about getting a good meal. It’s like calling our burgers and pizzas the ultimate ‘grub’, delicious and satisfying!

Spill the Tea

When someone asks you to ‘spill the tea’ you don’t actually have to spill the tea on them! ‘Spill the tea’, means to share the latest gossip or juicy details. Imagine you and your friends chatting about your classmate’s breakup. That is exactly what spilling the tea means!


‘Chow’ is simply another term for eating. When someone says they’re ready to ‘chow down’, they’re just eager to dig into a hearty meal. So if you’re at Ajay’s Cafe, get ready to ‘chow’ on some of the best burgers and coffee around.


When someone’s described as ‘salty’, it doesn’t mean they’re extra seasoned with sea salt. Instead, it means they’re a bit annoyed or bitter about something. Picture someone who didn’t get the last slice of our Margherita pizza and is grumbling about it—yep, they’re feeling ‘salty’.

Concluding Thoughts

So, there you have it! We’ve travelled through the fun and quirky world of Gen Z slang together. From understanding why coffee ‘slaps’ to recognising when someone’s being a bit ‘salty’, we’re now well-equipped to chat with the younger crowd like ‘pros’.

At Ajay’s Cafe, we’ve enjoyed every moment of this GenZ adventure. So, Next time you hear someone saying our burgers are ‘lit’ or our cafe is the ‘GOAT’, you’ll know exactly what they mean and you can join in on the fun.

Remember, language evolves and so do we. Keep your ears open, your hearts curious and your taste buds ready for the best ‘grub’ in town at Ajay’s Cafe.

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